Tuesday, May 10, 2011

OK, so I've been lazy

I have been enjoying being at home and having my amazing brother, Rex, taking care of me. Rex has gone back to Montana and I am zooming along the recovery schedule. I have been reduced to only one check up a week! All of my cell counts are in the normal range and I am not getting IV's at home!
In fact after looking at my blood work and exam results they have cut the dosage on the anti rejection drugs. Friday I am going to get my CVC removed and my 60 day bone marrow biopsy. I have been extremely blessed through out this whole process. I attribute my recovery to all those who prayed for me and sent their love my way!! Thank you to every one!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Going Home!!!!

yippee going home yea yea!!
Waiting for the pharmacist to tell us about all the drugs.
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Friday, March 18, 2011

All right so after I taunted cancer, chemo kicked my arse.

Hello Boys and Girls!!! The past couple of days have been a struggle. Between all the pills, nausea and urgent diarrhea I have been tired to the bone. Physical therapy has been coming by trying to get me to walk and ride the bike. Not fun when you have the ring of fire to sit on! So far I have only lost 8 pounds and most of my hair. Thanks again for the hats! mmmmm shuggly warm hats!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Who's the punk now?! huh, cancer? HUH!?

So, I am doing great! All the docs are quite pleased with my progress. Listening to Elvis! Day +4.

The only side effects so far are itchiness and a low constant level of nausea.
Yesterday I bought a new steering wheel for my racing games. I found it on CraigsList.orgIt will be delivered to my room tomorrow.

(so leave a nice post OK?)

UPDATE: 2:15pm Had some lunch and pie. mmmmmmmmm.pie π
Last night I had a weird headache that is puzzling the docs. Maybe it is the rocks breaking loose up there.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Everyone Wants to Know...

So, before everyone asks, I slept through the whole thing. Transplant day for me lasted about three hours total. I answered a lot of question and then took a nap. I went to the nutrition room and got a cup of coffee. Saw the doctor in hall on the way back and she shouted "two thirty." Drank coffee and took my meds. Twenty minutes later they came in and gave me massive doses of benedryl. Then I took a nap. Woke up later to having vital signs taken and promptly went to sleep. Day before that was almost identical except replace anti-nausea drugs for benedryl.

So, I am not in any danger nor am I sick, just very well rested.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


VRE is a resistant to antibiotic intestinal virus that some people have but does not affect them because the immune system keeps it in check. When they supress my immune It could be that this virus could grow unchecked. But... I don't have IT!!! That means visitors and caregivers do not have to put on gloves and gowns when they come to see me! YAY!!


The Spleen filters out old blood cells and invaders that are attatched to anti-bodies. So if it is enlarged it could be a good sign. It is also one of the symptoms that caused me to be diagnosed. A normal spleen is 4-5 inches long, at the time of diagnoses mine was 21 inches.WOW!!

MY Super Spleen! (I love it!)

My spleen was active last night. I hope it reacting to all the dead and dying cancer cells!!!
Everything is going all right. I finally got about 5-6 hours of sleep this morning.
Day -5!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oh No, maybe.

So my toilet started leaking and they moved me across the hall. When we trans ported the IV machine the chemo line got kinked. So now we have to decide what to do with rest of this dose.

UPDATE: they are running the rest of the dose and because I am super duper they are raising the dose for the rest of the infusion. DIE CANCER DIE!!!!! MUH HAAA HAAAA HAAAAA HA!!!!

Slow day.

Routines are being established. I am still eating like crazy. In fact I am waiting for lunch. Stil have not slept much but since they are not making to many mental demands I am keeping up.

No visitors yet today. They think the surgery prep cleaner gave me a rash as they discontinued it and the rash is subsiding. Figures, only Rebel Randy™ can turn medicine into a detriment!

Things are going well.

Started day 2 of Busulfan. Everything is going well! I am having trouble sleeping, but the nurses assure that there is no set bedtime around here, so for now I am not in trouble. Speaking of nurses, they have all been very helpful and informative, explaining all of the drug types and IV contents and why I am taking them.
So around here it is Day 2, and Day -6, and Day 4. (I don't know yet if they are gonna count day zero or not, ya know that numberline thing)

Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm OK, no really... it is all good!

So, Nurse Karen just finished my first infusion. So far no puking or anything uncomfortable. have to pee about every ten minutes as the have a constant IV saline drip. Doctors just left after a quick exam. Took eleven pills and gave sixteen blood samples so far today.

So... Was it the penis Thing?

I realize that You all have other business to attend to, but did I post something that is causing you all to recoil in horror? (I get that a lot from folks) I mean if I have offended you or disclosed a secret longing for man flesh then, Please let me know! You can post here OR if you are afraid of public exposure and possible peer group ridicule, you can send me a private e-mail. I will entertain all offers of reconciliation and possible compromises to my own personal values just to hear from you and know that I haven't been ensconced in Raccoon City or some other sci-fi, horror scenario. Unless of course it means that at some point Milla Jovovich will come storming in here with some really awesome guns followed closely by snarling mutant thingies.... then NEVERMIND!

Adventure Man

This morning I realized that I would be here in this VERY finite space for a long time.
I am also VERY aware of how lucky I am and how much has been given, shared and earned by me, to me and around me. The miracle that is my life and the continuing presence of God in all this kindness and generosity that I experience fills my heart. My cup runneth over.

Nurses yelled @ me

Not really, I just want to post a dramatic title so you would actually read this part. Nikki and Katie were at the desk when I stumbled by and I stopped to talk with them. I got some red jello™
And coffee. 1 hour to my first chemo. I am as nervous as a virgin on prom night. Got to read some more to distract myself. Typing is difficult. after I walked around I realized there is still some shimmering after effects of the Dilantin. Hope Busulfan doesn't make me puke. WOO HOO!! Day -7!!!!

Dilantin, pffft.

Dilantin. Not nearly as bad as a twelve pack, six shots of JD, couple of tabs O cid, and a joint or two..... but close, real close.
The side effects were not so bad bad bad bad or what?

Lots of visual effects and mental confusion. Is that You Maude?!?!?

anywayz I am better now except for the auditory hallucinations.

Got some cool info and insight to the miraculous machine that is the human body from the night nurse John.

I can see how this stuff prevents siezures, one minute you are cruising along talking and them WHAM! your brain is completely EMPTY!

Faint echoes of broken glass.

I did manage to read after an hour or so and actually comprehend and remember it!


So... where was eye. Yes now I remember.

And then the circus monkey jumped on the back of the little dog.

do do doodle da da lootle lootle do dah
doot dah dah do da, doot da da do da

So then there was this guy

Gotta go get a snack, BLOG atcha later!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Admission Day! (Day -8)

Well it has been interesting so far. A little confusion about where to go for admission, (the EMERGENCY entrance?) And a lot of questions about my health history and who I slept with. (Don't worry Tim S. I didn't mention your name!!) SO then they cleared the lines on my CVC and took some blood. I ordered room service and we had lunch (Thea is here working on her story). SO now I am back to waiting. The nurse, Angie, said today would be a lot of that as they need to enter all my meds into the computer and my diet into the cafe and then I will get the Dilantin. After that:
difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
uncontrollable eye movements
abnormal body movements
loss of coordination
slowed thinking
slurred speech
unwanted hair growth
coarsening of facial features
enlargement of lips
overgrowth of gums
pain or curving of the penis

That last one may be considered a marital aid...

Anyhoo, Like Tom Patty says, "the waiting is the hardest part"

Packing for Chemo

It is fairly easy packing to go get chemo. Let's see, hmm... Hairbrush? Nope, not gonna need that! Electric toothbrush? Nope, need to buy a super soft one. Shaver? Hmmm, probably not the best idea, what with the reduced dexterity and increased infection risk. So, shampoo? Oh, yeah the no hair thing. Well looks like warm sox and a nice hat (thanx again Kaia!) And some clean undies and I am all set!
Thea says that I hafta wear pants,so better throw those in too.
Tech gear.... Check! PSP, charging cables, giant laptop, phone, e-reader.
Thea says I can't take the little white cat, so I better let him out of the backpack.... there you go, run along now... See you in a month or so.
Well, looks like that's that!
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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Don't do handy man stuff with a CVC!

Got some file cabinets and a corner table and set up a new configuration for the server room. Hurt my arm! OWWWWW! no bleeding and recovering with Tylenol™ Don't Try This @ Home! I'm a professional idiot! ID10T owwww....

Really am going rounds with the routers and ISP

OMG!!! (I can type that now being an official blogger!) The wireless was acting weird so I went to reboot the DSL router last nite. When I did it lost all log in credentials and settings for the ISP. When I called the tech mis-quoted the user name and I could not log on. It would connect when it was trying the credentials but when the login failed it would disconnect. What a nightmare! Got it figured out!

First day with my new Blog thingy!

Well today I had the dressing changed on my new CVC. (that is Central Venous Catheter to all you healthy people following along) It was kind of a mystery as to how to get to the section of the hospital that would perform this service. Then we got a call from the nurse and Thea and I were redirected to the correct room. Tomorrow I will enter day -8 so the countdown to transplant will officially start. So in stead of "BRAINS BRAINS!!!" It is "MARROW MARROW!!!!" Well I am prolly not a zombie, but do feel the hunger.