Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Things are going well.

Started day 2 of Busulfan. Everything is going well! I am having trouble sleeping, but the nurses assure that there is no set bedtime around here, so for now I am not in trouble. Speaking of nurses, they have all been very helpful and informative, explaining all of the drug types and IV contents and why I am taking them.
So around here it is Day 2, and Day -6, and Day 4. (I don't know yet if they are gonna count day zero or not, ya know that numberline thing)


  1. I hear you got a serious talking to by one of the nurses....

  2. Yeah we were all sitting here and joking around (Me Shawn and Thea) and she was prepping for the next infusion. Thea asked why she was putting on so much protection. The Nurse Karen got all serious and talked about how dangerous the chemo was and if I wasn't getting new cells from Tom I would die and the chemo was not only destroying cancer cells it was also making it so the other cells would not repair and replace. All gloom and doom and we should get serious about it.


Wadda ya got ta say about that, huh?